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Zebra 45189-2 XiIIIPlus Media Rewind Belt [45189-2]

Zebra 45189-2 XiIIIPlus Media Rewind Belt Product image for reference only
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Zebra 45189-2 Description:

Zebra 45189-2 XiIIIPlus Media Rewind Belt

PI DATE : Oct 2009
Product : Zebra Media Rewind Belt
* Rely on Zebra Rewind Belt to help users with pre-printing tasks
** Zebra Rewind Mechanisn:
* If the majority of user's label information is identical, but a
small portion differs from label to label, such as price or part
number, pre-print labels with the static information
using a rewind method
* Shelve these labels, and then reload them into the user's printer when
users are ready to populate the remaining information,
and apply the label
* This component ensures that user's printer will continue
to provide the quality, reliability, and performance users expect
* Made from the high-quality material to provide superior
performance and protection against wear
* A quality component made to Zebra's exacting engineering standards

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